Determining accurate medical damages for your clients after a catastrophic injury is a challenge for attorneys and paralegals. The future medical costs, medications, medical equipment, therapy, rehabilitation and future care make up a significant part of the damages in personal injury, product liability and medical malpractice cases. Not only will you need accurate medical damages for your claim but you need to be able to have the correct information to back up those damages. Getting you accurate and defensible medical damages is our specialty.
Life Care Planning Expertise
No two life care plans should be the same. Factors, such as diagnoses and extent of injury, as well as impact on quality of life, will influence the complexity of the plan and future care recommendations.
Non-complex Life Care Plan:
For those living with chronic illness or physical impairment, who retain the ability to perform ADLs (Activities of Daily Living), but may do so with difficulty and loss of quality of life.
Conditions May Include: Neck and Back Injury, Upper and Lower Extremity Injury, Fractures, Mild to Moderate Burns, PTSD, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, and Chronic Pain.
Complex Life Care Plan:
For those living with permanent chronic illness or physical impairment, who have lost the ability to perform ADLs (Activities of Daily Living), often requiring reliance on another individual for some or all daily care.
Conditions May Include: Amputation, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Injury, Major Burns, Visual and Hearing Impairment, Birth Injury (i.e. Cerebral Palsy, Erb’s Palsy), Significant Brachial Plexus Injury, Internal Injury, and Polytrauma.
At Healthier Minds our Physician-led Life Care Services provides independent medical opinion related to:
- an assessment of the cause of your client’s catastrophic injuries
- projections and descriptions of current and future medical treatment
- projections for needed testing, therapy services, or counseling
- an assessment of potential complications that can arise for patients
- rehabilitation, home, and living accommodations
- projected life expectancy
Our Experience
- Board Certified / Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- American Academy of Pain Medicine
- Certified Life Care Planner
Trained at the Mayo Clinic in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Our provider has over two decades of clinical experience and many years of work in the medico legal field, we understand the specific needs of attorneys when it comes to medical damages and life care plans. We specialize in helping attorneys document the damages in cases where an individual has sustained a Catastrophic Injury such as:
- Amputation
- Burns
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chronic Pain
- Multiple Trauma
- Spinal Cord Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injury
Catostrophic Injury Life Care Plans
Our physician-authored life care plans for catastrophic injury cases gives you detailed documentation about the medical costs of long-term medical care and quality of life and life expectancy. Our Physiatrist provides a non-biased report documenting the total medical damages for a catastrophically injured client and gives you the information you need for settlement purposes or trial.
Our Process
To develop a life care plan for a catastrophic injury we do the following:
Step 1
Comprehensive Review of all Medical Records

Step 2
Physical Examination of the Patient (If Necessary)

Step 3
Detailed physician recommendations for items contained in the Life Care Plan to provide a medical foundation

Step 4
Detailed yearly medical costs for the following areas:
- Future medical care
- Medical equipment
- Drugs and medical supplies
- Therapy and medical modalities
- Facility or home care
- Transportation
- Home renovations/furnishings

With over two decades of clinical experience and many years of work in the med-legal field, we understand the specific needs of attorneys. We provide attorneys with an easy to read injury causation reports, medical cost projections, and detailed Life Care Plan for all phases of litigation.
Catastrophic Injury Services
Catastrophic Injury Services available:
- Medical record retrieval and organization
- Medical Review and Injury Causation report
- Medical Cost Projections for Settlement or Mediation
- Life Care Plan Review for Defense
- Life Care Plans for Trial
- Expert Witness Services for Settlement, Mediation, Depositions, and Trials
Do you have a Catastrophic Injury case that you need accurate medical damages for? We can help. Just fill out the form below and we can do a no cost initial case review.